Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ADHD...the enemy is up to something new...or is he?

This past Sunday in 252, our elementary aged ministry environment, Sandy and I had what we thought was a revelation. All month long we have been teaching the kids about obedience-trusting those who lead you by doing what you’re asked to do. Our bottom line for the day was, ‘It’s right to listen to God because He is GOD,” and our story was none other than the familiar story of Adam and Eve who chose to listen to voices that were not God and you know how the story ends… We stressed the importance of listening to God’s voice over any other voice because HE IS GOD and His ways are perfect. To reinforce the lesson, we did an activity where the kids were instructed to tear pictures and words out of magazines that would fall into two categories. The first category was anything that depicted “what the world says” and the second was pictures and words that showed “what God says.” The kids were up for the task and eagerly brought their pictures to me so they could tape them onto a large “truth zone” display which organized God’s truth in the center and the voices of the world surrounding the “truth zone.” The kids were doing quite well recognizing that behaviors like smoking, drinking, fighting, vanity and eating a lot of junk food belonged to the ways of the world. They also recognized God by pulling out pictures showing compassion, love and caring for your body, all things that God values. In the middle of it all, one of our kids came up on the stage with part of an A.D.H.D advertisement taped on his forehead. He danced a little goofy dance in front of me and all I could see was ADHD. While I know this boy did not realize the implications of what he was doing; I immediately corrected him, calling him by name and saying, “Your name is not ADHD…you are a child of God. Take that off of your forehead.” At that moment, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me, use this. As the boy was heading back to his seat, I asked him to come back up to the stage leaving “his label” on his forehead and I began to talk to the kids about how the world is quick to label kids based on conditions they are facing and how our enemy, the devil would love nothing more than to make them feel bad about themselves, unwanted or unworthy because of a diagnosis from a doctor. Immediately kids’ hands were rising as an admission of some sort. Maybe it was from the way they have felt or were feeling and I realized that they were relieved that they were not alone. It broke my heart and made me angry all at the same time. I told the kids, “Never let anyone slap a label on your forehead. You are a child of God. He created you and He loves you very much.” Then Sandy chimed in letting the kids know that God is a big God and He is able to give them self control, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness-the Fruit of the Spirit, by His Spirit. We continued on with our activities, yet we were in awe over the experience. Later I shared with Sandy that Satan had a new way to get to our kids, through ADD and ADHD and no sooner than that came out of my mouth I realized, this is nothing new. The Bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill & destroy (John 10:10). His name is the Accuser. His desire is to use these labels to break our kids by crushing their spirits leaving them feeling worthless. Not to mention His modus operandi is to rob them of the knowledge that God loves them and nothing they can do will ever separate them from God’s love. After all, even the enemy knows that kids are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Yet, he is persistent prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). And doesn’t the enemy’s plan really affect the whole family dynamic? Kids fighting, parents fighting. Discouragement sets in as parents become weary in caring for their children and all peace is lost. This very real situation that is facing our families caused Sandy and I to literally weep, and it burdened our hearts to be in prayer for all kids who feel “less than” because of what the voices of the world may be saying to them. Make no mistake; our God is a big God. He created the inmost being of all kids and knit them together in their mother’s womb His works are wonderful. His thoughts of them are too many to count. (See Psalm 139) In fact, He loved them so much He sent His son to die for them. They are not ADHD or ADD or whatever other “professionals” are calling them today. They are sons and daughters of the Lord Most High, King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. They are heirs to the throne. See Galatians 3:29. They are valuable. So what if you and I as parents and/or people of influence started treating them like the princes and the princesses they are? What if we spoke God’s word over them and let them know that He made them fearfully and wonderfully? What if we told them in faith that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them? What if we spent more time focusing on who we want our children to become instead of who they are not right now? What if we prayed for our kids more than we talked on the phone to others about them? I believe we would see change not only in our kids lives, but in our lives. In Proverbs 22:6 we are instructed to “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Mom and Dad, and in some homes Grandma and Grandpa, it’s not going to be easy. Thank you for what you are doing to train your child in the way he should go. And another thing… “… don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.” Galatians 6:9 NLT That harvest of blessing is seeing your child grow up to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus, steadfast and immovable in their faith. Keep your eye on that prize, don’t give up. Remember you are not alone. We are here to come alongside of you and prayer is just a phone call or an email away.

For the Kids of the Kingdom,
Diane Hendricks


Lori said...

Very, very good reminder Diane!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Diane! Well said! :)

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