Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October's Virtue! Individuality...Discovering who you are meant to be so you can make a difference.

Basically, a virtue is something God does in us to change the world around us.

In the culture we live in, celebrity goes hand in hand with how good you are at something. Just consider what’s on TV. Reality shows to see who can sing, dance, or cook better. Game shows to see who can answer more trivia questions. Sporting events to see who can run faster, jump higher, or drive across the finish line first. As a result, kids might think you have to be stronger, smarter, or more talented than everyone else in order to make a difference in the world. But thankfully God doesn’t just work through people who are better at something to make a difference. He works through our peculiarities, too. So this month, we’re talking about individuality, which is discovering who you are meant to be so you can make a difference. God is one-of-a-kind Himself. There is no one like Him. And He wants us to be who He made us to be, making a difference in our individual ways. As we follow Him, He’ll make an even greater difference through us. (Think about the difference God made in Paul and Onesimus’ lives as a result of the everyday process of getting to know each other.) When we use what we have now (even if it’s “just” a kind word to a lonely person or a helping hand to someone who needs it) instead of waiting around to be stronger, smarter, or more talented, there’s no end to the difference God can make through us. © 2009 The reThink GroupAll rights reserved. http://www.rethinkgroup.org/

Did you know that October 24th is declared Make a difference day? It's a nationally recognized day of helping others. In 252, we will be making a difference by collecting non-perishable food items to provide Thanksgiving dinners for families in our community. Stay posted for more info. In the meantime, check out some cool stories on how others are making a difference. http://www.usaweekend.com/diffday/

Thank you for sharing your kids with us!

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